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网站-headerlogo_0.pngMachine translation is not perfect, but a .网站 domain at least makes you visible to Chinese users.
The Internet is becoming mobile first. Mobile APPs are important, but no user will download thousands of APPs on to their phone, and there are millions of companies online.  A .网站 domain makes your brand mobile friendly for Chinese users. Voice input makes native language domain names (i.e. IDNs – Internationalized Domain Names) friendly for local users to navigate to your web application.  It is hard to imagine a Chinese user speaking to his/her phone in English.
Why .网站?

.网站 Means ".WEB" in Chinese.

".网站" is the most natural and direct way to refer to web in Chinese.

A search online quickly reveals clear preference for "网站" to refer to the web, showing almost 4 times popularity against its closest rival:

网站 (.Web) 2,520,000,000 results

中文网 (.ChineseWeb) 60,000,000 results

网址 (.WebAddress) 649,000,000 results

网页 (.Webpage) 508,000,000 results

The term "网站" literally translates to "website", while as a domain name ".网站" means ".WEB" in Chinese.  From company websites to social media groups or mobile applications .网站 provides a meaningful identity and destination for your online presence.

In short, .网站 is the:

Most Natural Chinese language phrase representing ".WEB"

Most Popular Chinese term for identifying web presence

Most Comprehensive in reach for the global Chinese audience

Utilizing Your .网站 domain

You may think Chinese users do not actively type in Chinese domain names, but don't forget that Chinese users search entirely in Chinese!  That explains the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) value of having your .网站 domain! Make yourself instantly search friendly to millions of Chinese users online, even if just for EnglishName.网站.

The Internet is becoming mobile first. Mobile APPs are important, but no user will download thousands of APPs on to their phone, and there are millions of companies online.  A .网站 domain makes your brand mobile friendly for Chinese users. Voice input makes native language domain names (i.e. IDNs – Internationalized Domain Names) friendly for local users to navigate to your web application.  It is hard to imagine a Chinese user speaking to his/her phone in English.

Startups and microbusinesses are utilizing social media and eCommerce platforms to setup shop online quickly.  As the tens of millions of these businesses grow, having their own domain name on the mobile web will be indispensable to better manage customer relationships and build brand trust.  A .网站 domain fits perfectly with local Chinese microbusinesses.

Use your .网站 domain to become:

Search friendly: Chinese users search in Chinese

Mobile friendly: Voice input make navigation in Chinese instinctive

eCommerce friendly: Connect your business to the Chinese market

Make the Most of Your .网站 Domain

Even if you do not speak Chinese, your website can.  Without any Chinese, your website is invisible to the hundreds of millions of Chinese users.  Get a ".网站" domain and make yourself visible to Chinese users searching in their native language online.

You cannot know if Chinese users want your products and services until they see you online.  Get a .网站 domain name and redirect it through a web translator (e.g. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=zh-CN&u=www.domain.网站) to show your interest to connect with Chinese Internet users globally.

Machine translation is not perfect, but a .网站 domain at least makes you visible to Chinese users.  With Chinese traffic coming your way, you can decide if and when you should invest into a full Chinese presence online.  Use your .网站 domain as your breeding ground into the Chinese market.


What are the requirements & restrictions for this domain extension?

It can be registered by any individual or business in any country.

What is the term of registration or renewal?

1 to 10 years.

What are the characters and valid character length for .网站(XN--5TZM5G) domain name?

1 to 63 characters.

Can I delete a domain after registered?

No, .网站(XN--5TZM5G) can't be deleted after registration.

Can I transfer the domain registrar under this domain extension?

Yes. The domain name will be extended for 1 year after transfer completion.

Grace period for this extension?

OnlineNIC implements domain's lifecycle in accordance with ICANN's policy. You may also check the related article in our service term. Please understand that there is fee incurred to pull domain name from "Redemption Period", we call it redemption fee. The typical redemption fee is $120, but varies from each TLD. Please check and confirm it with our live support when you require such process.

Can I register Internationalized Domain name (IDN) for this domain extension?

No, OnlineNIC doesn't provide IDN.网站(XN--5TZM5G) at the moment.

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